Traveling around the World online:Indonesia

Let’s wonder about Indonesia!
What do you want to know about Indonesia?
Greetings from Camp Leaders「Hello!」
We are glad to introduce the Guide for our trip to Indonesia! Please watch their Greetings video!
Do you know how many EIC Camp Leaders from Indonesia?
What do you know about Indonesia?
Before our trip, let’s search up about Indonesia! Here’s the “Indonesia Guidebook for 1st timers” ! Don’t forget to check it out!
Let’s learn about Indonesia through the guidebook made by Overseas Study Tour 2019 Camp Leaders!
(Icha, Wahyu, Isma)

We will be introducing new thing about Indonesia every Friday!Let’s travel together and “wonder” about Indonesia!

What is “Ramadan”?
Ramadan is a religious practice for Muslim people not only in Indonesia but al over the world! Find out more NOW!

Islands Tour!
We will introduce to you many islands through songs & dance!
Please join us!

Street Food Show
What street food do Indonesian friends enjoy?
Let’s find out!