
Wonder the World Vol.16: “From Nepal to Japan to France in a year”(ネパール~日本~フランスで学んだこと)



こんにちは!ネパール出身のリサです。私は現在、立命館アジア太平洋大学(APU)の4年生です。私は新しいことを学び、創造性を探究することが大好きです。2022 年に初めて EIH (英語イマージョンアワー)に参加し、公文の生徒さんたちと交流するのが大好きになり、以来都合のつく限りイベントに参加しています。私が一年間でネパール~日本~フランスで経験し学んだことについてお話したいと思います。

Hi! My name is Lisa. I am from Nepal. I am currently a 4th-year student at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Japan. I am mostly interested in creative activities, and my hobbies range from arts and crafts to graphic design, digital drawing, photography, and traveling. I love learning new things and exploring my creativity. I have done online English Immersion Hour (EIH) and English Immersion Day (EID) with Kumon Global Network Team. I joined my first EIH in 2022 and I loved interacting with Kumon students who participated in the event, so I continue doing it whenever I am available.

How my journey started

I enrolled in APU in spring 2020 but could not come to Japan for two years because of COVID-19. I finally came to Japan in May 2022, when I was in my third year of undergraduate. After staying in Japan for only four months, I embarked on my journey to France and experienced a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, 2022 was the year when I stayed in Nepal, Japan, and France for four months each. There were many challenges as well as fun experiences during my stay in France. 

Going to France for Overseas study exchange

When I was in my 6th semester of undergraduate student, I embarked on a journey to a country I had never been to. I chose France as my study exchange destination because I have never been to Europe, and I was very curious about European culture. My host university was located in Paris, one of the most famous tourist destinations. Another perk of choosing France was that I got a Schengen visa, which allows me to travel to all the Schengen countries. I visited total of seven countries: Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, Netherland, Denmark, and France itself. All the places were amazing and had their own uniqueness. But the most amazing place that I visited was Rome and South of France.

Learning a foreign language

I did not know any French when I went there but my university provided French classes for international students. I took beginner French and soon I realized it is so much more difficult than I thought. The pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, everything was extremely difficult. My French teacher used to teach us in French, and I used to think I did not understand anything she was saying since she was talking in French, but that surprisingly helped. As she used to talk in French, my brain caught on to the words she often used to use, slowly I started understanding a few words and could make simple sentences. She also used to explain it in English if none of the students used to understand what she was explaining. This teaching method was surely difficult but somewhat effective. However, I did not learn enough French to be able to have a conversation with a French person, but I could at least introduce myself or order in a restaurant in French. Overall, learning French was difficult yet fun. 

Making friends from different countries

I made friends with other exchange students who were from different countries like Argentina, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Germany, and South Korea. Some I met during orientation, some in French class, and some in other classes, and we all became a group of friends. I never thought that in the span of just a few months, we would grow so close. We were not only from different countries but also from different continents. We shared about our culture, tradition, and language. It was really interesting to know how our culture was unique in its way. We used to go to eat each other’s country’s traditional food. I took them to eat Nepali traditional food in a Nepali restaurant in Paris and they loved it. I got to know so much about their country through the cultural exchange. 

Overall, my exchange experience was amazing.  I experienced how it is to live in a big city like Paris. I also did a part time job in an Indian restaurant to get some extra money. Navigating metro routes, planning travel itinerary, handling classes, part time job and also not missing out on all the things I wanted to do in such a short time of living there. I got to learn so many things from this experience. I felt like all of a sudden, I was an adult making my own decisions. I made the most amazing friends, learned practical life skills, a bit of French and so much more. I still talk with the friends I made during the exchange. There were many differences between Nepal, Japan and France from culture, people, food and many more. The main difference that I found was the nature of people. In France, people are more carefree, they live as life comes. In Japan, people are more disciplined and mindful of others. In Nepal, they treat foreigners with more genuine hospitality. I got to travel around France and six other European countries. And I got to do all this in my early 20s, so this will forever hold a special place in my heart. I would want to visit all the places I went on this trip so I can relive all the memories I made.

My personal experience

One thing I told myself before I went on exchange was that I was going to be more outgoing (which I am not), grab every opportunity that comes to me, not miss out on fun things, socialize with people, talk to as many people as I can and not be shy. So basically, get out of my comfort zone. I reminded myself that I am never going to be 21 again, living and studying in Paris and living this life that I am living right now. So this helped me boost my confidence and motivation to indulge myself in a lot of things that I would not have normally done. If you ever want to go for an overseas exchange I will say, just go for it. But I know that it is not as easy as it sounds. We have to think of the expenses, choosing the right country, the right university and many more. So, make sure to do your research and be aware of all the pros and cons, then take the decision. The reason why I would encourage people to go for exchange study is that you are young, and you have so much capacity to learn and develop your skill. You will struggle and you might feel lonely at times but the priceless experience and fun of living that comes with is precious.




アルゼンチン、スイス、香港、ドイツ、韓国など、さまざまな国から来た交換留学生と友達になりました。オリエンテーションで出会った人、フランス語のクラスで出会った人、他のクラスで出会った人など、私たちは皆友達になりました。たった数ヶ月の間に、こんなに仲良くなれるとは!! 私たちは異なる国、異なる大陸から来ていたので、自分たちの国の文化、伝統、言語について共有しました。それぞれの国の文化を知るのは本当に興味深いことでした。私たちはよくお互いの国の伝統的な食べ物を食べに行きました。パリのネパール料理レストランでネパールの伝統料理を食べに行ったところ、とても気に入ってくれました。文化交流を通じてそれぞれの国についてたくさん知ることができました。

総じて、私の交換留学体験は素晴らしかったといえます。パリのような大都市に住む体験、お小遣いを稼ぐためにインド料理店で働く、地下鉄の路線を利用、旅程を計画、いろいろな授業、アルバイト、と短い滞在期間でやりたかったことをすべてやりつくしました。にわかに自分で何でも決断できる大人になったような気がしました。留学中にできた友達とは今でも話しています。ネパール、日本、フランスの間には、文化、人となり、食べ物など、多くの違いがありました。私が見つけた主な違いは人々の気質でした。フランス人は、明るく、生活を謳歌します。日本の人々は規律正しく、他人に気を配ります。ネパールでは外国の人におもてなしを尽くす事を心がけます。フランスと他のヨーロッパ6か国を旅し、20 代前半にこれらを実現できたことは私の宝物。ゆくゆくはこの旅行で行ったすべての場所を訪れて、思い出をもう一度味わいたいです。

交換留学に行く前に私が自分に言い聞かせたことの 1 つは、「もっと社交的になり(私はそうではありませんでしたので)訪れたあらゆるチャンスを掴み、楽しいことを逃さず、人々と交流し、できるだけ多くの人と話す!」ということ。こう言い聞かせて意欲を高め、普段はやらないようなことに夢中になり自信もできました。皆さんが海外に交換留学に行きたいと思ったら、ぜひ行ってみてください!適切な国、大学、費用について必ず調べ、長所と短所も考慮し決定することをお勧めします。皆さんは若くて、学びやスキルを伸ばす能力がたくさんあります。交換留学、旅から得られる貴重な経験、楽しさは貴重です!

New words List


in the span of…しばらくの間

Comfort zone…心地よい居場所
Boost…ほめる 後押し
Pros and cons…長所と短所


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