Traveling around the World online:World Festival (Holiday Season)

It’s about the holiday seasons of the year!
Let’s wonder about festivals and holidays in Vietnam, Czech, Swiss and India in December!
What do you want to know about these countries?
今回、世界への旅を案内してくれるガイドをご紹介します! ぜひビデオをご覧ください!
Do you know these Camp Leaders?
What are some festivals in Vietnam in December?
★Holiday season in Vietnam (with Guide: Gwen)
Do you know where is Vietnam?
Let’s join Gwen to the holiday trip around Vietnam! 😛
What are some festivals in India in December?
Holiday season in India (with Guide: Mahi)
Do you know where India is?
Let’s join Mahi to the holiday trip around India! 😛
What are some festivals in Czech in December?
Holiday season in Czech (with Guide: Erica)
Do you know where Czech is?
Let’s join Erica to the holiday trip around Czech! 😛