
Wonder the World Vol.12: “Open-Mindedness in Embracing Cultural Differences”(あなたはオープンマインドな人?)


クララ (ミャンマー出身)


Clara (Myanmar)
My name is Clara, and my home country is Myanmar. I started my study abroad at the age of 19 in Singapore. I did my bachelor and master’s degrees in Japan. Therefore, I have been away from my home country for over 10 years. I think it is very important to be flexible and adapt to different cultures when you are in a foreign country because you need to make friends with people from different countries.

Let’s start with the definition of open-mindedness and cultural differences

Open-mindedness means accepting new ideas, views, beliefs, or viewpoints without following to prejudices. People who are open-minded are observant, flexible, and easy to have a conversation with others who have different opinions or have diverse backgrounds.

Cultural differences mean variations in beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, norms, and practices between different groups of people in a globalized world.

Are you an open- minded person? How will you communicate when you are in a foreign country?

I had a dream to study abroad since I was young, so I studied English very hard. I learned about global cultures from the songs, books and movies. I find it very interesting to learn the languages, gestures and the cultural differences. I have also learned that there are challenges because of misunderstandings and biases while dealing with the cultural differences. During my teenage years, I read English novels written by Cecilia Ahern. I love to watch American movies and songs and Pokémon in English. I like Backstreet Boys music band the best. I use English to make friends from all over the world. It is always important to ask the other person some questions if you cannot understand the differences.

How should you embrace cultural differences, promoting diversity and inclusion?

It is important to think from different viewpoints to strengthen the interpersonal relationships in order to enhance creativity, cultural differences and harmonious society. Globalization is one of the reasons why we should learn to embrace the cultural differences. It is very crucial to be an open- minded person while communicating in a foreign country without any prior judgements. In 21st century, it is better to consider diversity as unity to fostering cross-cultural teamwork and innovation.

I always ask the questions whenever I am in doubt. I also find it easy to make friends when I spend time together on the same hobby. You can always find a list of clubs like reading where you can exchange your thoughts.

You need to be positive and be open-minded instead of criticizing all the time while you are dealing with people from different countries. The most important thing is the cross-cultural team should set the same target.

Me and my international friends

How to overcome barriers to open-mindedness in cultures?

It is important to develop effective communication skills when you are interacting with another person to overcome barriers to open-mindedness in society. For instance, I use gestures and eye contact when communicating with people to avoid bias. Next, practicing active listening and non-judgment plays a crucial role in overcoming barriers to open-mindedness in culture. A nod would be a good sign during the conversation to show that you understand what the other person is talking about.

How does open-mindedness work in a changing world in the future?

In these days, there is a technological advancement such as using online translation applications to reduce the language barrier. The impact of internet on cultural interaction between people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is important to adapt to evolving cultural changes and the need for continuous open-mindedness in cultures so that you can make friends and study together in a global environment. Please do not forget to be kind, honest, cultural sensitivity and helpful to each other while learning about cultural norms and customs.

1) https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/culture#
2) https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/open-minded



あなたはオープンマインドな人でしょうか? 外国にいるときのコミュニケーションはどうしたらよいと思いますか? 私は幼い頃から海外に留学するという夢を持っていたので、一生懸命英語を勉強しました。 歌、本、映画から世界の文化を学びました。言葉やしぐさから文化の違いを学ぶのはとても興味深いと思いました。まずは先入観を持たないことが大切!文化の違いを認識し、さまざまな視点から考えて人間関係を強化していくこと、他の人と交流するときに効果的なコミュニケーションスキルを身につけることなども重要です。外国に行った時は、オープンマインドな気持ちで、先入観を持たずにコミュニケーションをとっていくようにしましょう。たとえば、私は人々とコミュニケーションをとるとき、私は先入観を持たず、誤解を避けるためにジェスチャーやアイコンタクトも使います。相手の話を傾聴し、会話中にうなづくとか相手が話していることを理解していることを示すサインを出すのが良いと思っています。

オープンマインドは今後変化する世界においてどのように機能するのでしょうか? 最近では、オンライン翻訳アプリを使用するなど、言語の壁を軽減するための技術の進歩が見られます。インターネットの普及でグローバルな環境で友人を作り、一緒に学ぶことができるようになってきた今こそ、進化する文化の変化に適応し、常にオープンマインドな気持ちでいることが重要で、話す人の文化や習慣について学び、配慮しながら、親切で誠実に!お互いに助け合うことを忘れないでいましょう!

New words List

Master degrees…修士号
Views …眺め
Opinions …様々な意見
Diverse …多様な
Cultural differences …文化の違い

Behaviors …行動
Harmonious society…調和のとれた社会

A nod…うなづき
Technological advancement技術の進歩


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