
Wonder the World Vol.19: “It all started with a song, a friend, and shared passions.”(すべては、歌、友人、そして情熱の共有から始まりました)



Nadine (Indonesia)
Hello everyone! My name is Nadine, and I am from Indonesia. Currently, I am a third-year student pursuing my bachelor’s degree in international management. However, starting fall 2024, I will be going on a student exchange program in Denmark. I love to listen to music, watch musical performances and sing.

My Hobby (Singing)

Ever since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by music. Every Sunday morning, my parents would play their favorite songs around the house. My dad often played tracks from Queen, Maroon 5, and many other classic artists I hadn’t heard of before. At the age of 8, I started listening to newer artists like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Taylor Swift, in particular, has been my biggest inspiration. I remember listening and singing along to her song “22” with my best friend in school during break time. Taylor Swift also helped spark my hobby of singing.

When I was 13

I joined the choir as an extracurricular activity. We practiced every Wednesday and Sunday. In the choir, I made friends who loved music like I did. I also learned a lot about performing arts and musical theater. Since joining, my playlist has been filled with songs from Disney movies and musicals. I fell in love with the musical “Wicked,” which is about two friends who face challenges because of their different personalities. Listening to these musicals also helped me learn new words like “exquisite,” which means very beautiful, and “loathing,” which means strong dislike.

With my choir

I joined several national and international competitions. The most memorable competition was held in Calella, Barcelona, in 2017, where we competed in the Pop & Jazz Category and sang songs like “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield, “All I Ask” by Adele, and “Brave” by Sara Bareilles. Winning a gold medal was a highlight, but what made the experience truly special was making new friends from Colombia. We connected through our shared love of music, and I even met a friend who also enjoyed musicals. We keep in touch to this day.

Before joining the choir, I was a very shy and timid child. However, after joining, I gained a lot of confidence. Singing and performing in front of others helped me come out of my shell. Additionally, I improved my English because most of the songs we sang were in English, so we had to learn the proper pronunciation. This experience made me more outgoing and improved my language skills.

What I Learned

I have a passion for music that includes listening, watching musical performances, and singing. I am very thankful for the experiences and friendships I’ve made through choir. From childhood Sundays with lots of music to singing on international stages, music has always brought me joy and helped me grow. If you love singing or want to learn English, I encourage you to try choir. Singing can not only build your confidence, but also improve your English, and help you possibly meet amazing people from around the world. Don’t be afraid to try something new and challenge yourself, the outcome might be better than what you imagined!




合唱団で国内および国際コンクールに参加しました。最も記憶に残っているのは、2017年にバルセロナのカレーリャで開催されたコンテストです。ポップ&ジャズ部門に出場し、金メダルを獲得したことはハイライトでしたが、この経験を本当に特別なものにしたのは、コロンビアからの新しい友達ができたことです。 合唱団に入る前は、とても恥ずかしがり屋で内気な子供でした。しかし、入団してからは、人前で歌ったり演奏したりすることで、自分の殻を破ることができました。さらに、うたう歌のほとんどが英語だったので、正しい発音を学ぶ必要があったため、英語も上達しました。

New words List

Currently,     現在、     

Pursuing めざしている    

bachelor’s degree 学士号 

pronunciation    発音 

International management 国際経営学

Fascinated   魅了された

Spark         きっかけになる

extacurricular activity 課外活動

come out of my shell    自分の殻を破る

Ever since       それから(以来)ずっと、


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