
Wonder the World Vol.20: “Reforestation in West Kalimantan”(西カリマンタン州の森林再生)


パティは、立命館アジア太平洋大学で文化、社会、メディアを専攻し、2019 年に学業を終えました。パティは、大学時代にKUMONのイマージョン アクティビティ (KEIA)、EID、EIC にキャンプ リーダーとして参加しました。現在、彼女は故郷のジャカルタを拠点に活動しています。パティは環境に情熱を持っていて、勤務している環境に優しい会社で西カリマンタン州に出張したときのことを共有しています。

Patty (Indonesia)
Patty finished her studies in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, with a major in Culture, Society & Media back in 2019. Patty has joined Kumon English Immersion Activities (KEIA); EID and EIC, as a camp leader during her university days. She is currently in her hometown, Jakarta. Patty is passionate about the environment, and she is sharing her recent work trip to West Kalimantan with an environmentally friendly company that she’s working for.

Reforestation in West Kalimantan

Hello friends, I’m Patty from Indonesia! Wherever you are reading this from, I hope you are having a lovely day. Did you know that Indonesia’s rainforests are among the largest in the world? They are also habitats to 17% of all the wildlife species on earth. I’ve recently visited one of these forests in West Kalimantan. It was a long journey that took 2 flights and a 2-hour car ride from where I live.

Unfortunately, these rainforests have been cut down for various economic activities. Not only can this lead to a decrease in the number of wildlife, but it can also deplete the soil’s nutrients. Degraded soil and lack of trees on the land means the land has less ability to absorb water during heavy rains. When this happens, the rain water, mixed with the barren soil’s sediments are brought to the water streams, preventing the smooth flow of rivers which can cause them to overflow and flood the surrounding areas, where the local communities live.

Decreasing forest levels means there are even less trees out there that can absorb greenhouse gases, among others CO2 (carbon dioxide), from everyday human activities like food & goods production, transportation and power generation. The trapped greenhouse gases in our earth’s atmosphere are causing an increase in temperature worldwide, making weather patterns everywhere more unpredictable. This climate change greatly affects the livelihood of some communities more than others.

Illustration Source: UGC Berkeley
Illustration Source: ResearchGate (Bell et al., 2011)

This is sad, but it is not the end! Many organizations like the company that I’m working for, Bumiterra, are taking action in protecting nature. Becoming more sustainable can be confusing for an individual, let alone businesses that are core to today’s economy. As a service, Bumiterra reforests degraded lands on behalf of companies (or even individuals) that would like to operate more responsibly and bring about change. How does this work?

Anyone can subscribe to Bumiterra’s service. Bumiterra then partners with local citizens in the reforestation area, Rumbih Village, by ‘renting’ the lands and providing the owners with monthly payments for the work they do on the field. The work includes nurturing the tree seedlings, planting and caring for them. On this land, different valuable plants are grown. When the plants produce fruits, the partners get to keep the harvest. This gives the partners access to more income while caring for the environment. The diverse trees will also maximize carbon absorption and create healthier soil as they grow different roots, add various nutrients, and support a wide range of soil microorganisms.

To keep track and keep the accountability of the projects, Bumiterra creates a public registry for anyone, including you, to see what are the impacts that have been created and who are supporting this mission to happen. You can also explore these interactive pages to discover new English words relating to sustainability and see what topics might interest you. One of my favorites is the “Fauna Biodiversity Impact”, so please tell me what yours is!


こんにちは、私はインドネシのパティです!インドネシアの熱帯雨林が世界最大級であることをご存知ですか?これらは、地球上のすべての野生生物種の 17% の生息地でもあります。私は最近、西カリマンタン州にある森林の一つを訪れました。




New words List

Reforestation       森林再生
Passionate           情熱的
Environmentally  環境的に
Rainforests          熱帯雨林
Habitats     生息地
Wildlife species    野生生物種
Decrease             現象
Deplete  枯渇する
Soil’s nutrients     土壌の栄養分
Degraded             劣化した
Lack of trees        木の不足
Absorb       吸収する
Barren soil           不毛の(やせた)土壌
Sediments            堆積物
Water streams     水流

Preventing           妨げる
Overflow             氾濫する
Flood     浸水する
Greenhouse gases    温室効果ガス
Production           生産
Power generation 発電
Temperature        気温
Unpredictable      予測不可能
Protecting nature 自然を守る
Nurturing             育てる
Microorganisms   微生物
public registry  公共登録
Fauna Biodiversity Impact 動物相(動物区系)の生物多様性への影響


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