Message from GNT Leader (Enoki san)


Hello everyone. My name is Enoki, Team Leader, and we had many GNT events in September. I would like to thank everyone who participated in these events.

In this message, I would like to introduce My recommended event held on September 15, which was the second time for participants to introduce their recommended travel spots to each other.

In the main session, Fatemee (Bangladesh – EIC 2010 – 2011) and Taisei (Japan – EIC 2012 -2013) introduced Tsukahara Mura (near Beppu city in Japan), and Mu Cang Chai in Vietnam respectively.

In the group session, participants in each group gave passionate introductions about their most memorable travel spots in their lives, which was also very exciting.

In the group I was in, one participant introduced Mongolia, and it was a good opportunity for me to get interested in Mongolia myself.

The participants were not originally acquainted with each other. However, as we introduced each other’s recommended travel spots, we got to talking and became good friends with each other.
As the organizer, I was very happy to see such a situation.

The next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 10, with the theme of recommended person.
We strongly recommend that you attend this event, but unfortunately, we are currently holding it with a small number of participants.

If you are interested in attending this event, please invite your friends to attend and sign up.
We look forward to hearing about your recommendations!

皆様 こんにちは。チームリーダーの榎です。9月はGNTのイベントがたくさんありました。イベントに参加して下さった皆様、本当に有難うございました。

このメッセージの中では、特に 9月15日に開催いたMy recommended event について紹介させて頂きます。2回目となった今回は、参加者同士がおすすめの旅行スポットについて紹介しあう形で進んでいきました。

メインセッションでは、Taiseiさん(EIC 2012 -2013-OB)とFatemeeさん(バングラデシュ – EIC 2010 – 2011)から、それぞれベトナムのこと、それから日本の別府のことについて紹介があり、大変盛り上がりました。









Theme: Person Nov. 10 (Sun)

Deadline to apply for the session: Nov. 8 (Fri)
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