Wonder the World Vol.6: “Chinese Beliefs in Zodiac – Which animal do you belong to?” (中国の干支(えと)について)
Mandy from China, Participated in Immersion Activities (KEIA) since 2012 and returned to China after graduating from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. She is still active as a group leader of English Immersion Hour. Here, she will talk about the concept of the Chinese zodiac.

How would you be asked about your age in your country?
Dear friends, how would you be asked about your age in your country?
Except your actual age, you can answer like “I was born in the 90s”, “I am a millennial” or even “I am a generation X / Y / Z.” While, in China, we have another way of telling people our age, guess what?! By animal. There are 12 animals, we call them Chinese Zodiac and each year has a certain animal. For year 2023, it the year of rabbit.
Zodiac is not only in China, but also in Vietnam, Japan and other Asian countries. However, each country has different animals in the zodiac. For example, Vietnam has cat instead of rabbit (yes! Year 2023 is Cat year in Vietnam!). Whereas, Goat year can also be called sheep year in Japan.
And if you telling Chinese you are a rabbit, we can immediately know if you are 12, 24, 36 or 48. So asking zodiac sign is a polite way of asking age in China.

Like Westerns believe in horoscope and Japanese believe in blood type. Chinese we believe in Zodiac. A zodiac sign not only we get to know your age, but also whether you have good luck or bad, your career, your personality in a given year. What’s more, it gives you and your partners (boyfriend, husband etc.) zodiac sign, some Chinese can picture (have an image) your private life. If we have a Rabbit husband and a Tiger wife, Chinese may consider the wife overpower the husband. Some Chinese will believe certain animals (zodiacs) get along well with others, and others don’t.
This extends to second generation. Some Chinese couple will choose a particular year to conceive baby. Only because they believe certain zodiac combination in the family can bring more prosperity and luck!

Also, Chinese believe some animal are luckier than the others. For example the dragon! Dragon is an animal, in China, represent power, strength and wealth. Because of this, many more babies were born in the year of dragon. Now let’s take 30 seconds to think what’s the impact? I am not sure if every dragon baby are successful or powerful or rich. But I am sure that dragon babies are more difficult to go to kindergartens, schools and universities. Because they have more competitors!
On the other hand, there are some Zodiacs considered less lucky than others such as ‘goat’ and ‘tiger’ based on the old Chinese beliefs. But does that mean they are really unlucky? Based on the World’s Top 300 Rich people’s Zodiac ranking, “Tiger” and “Goat” are the top 2 zodiacs has most rich people, even before dragon which is the 3rd position in the ranking.
Zodiac is an important culture from the ancient time
All in all, zodiac is an important culture from the ancient time until now. Chinese people make decision of giving birth, look for partners, business and investment based on zodiac. However, it doesn’t mean Chinese should only rely on the zodiac without seeing who we truly are.
A tiger wife can behave like a rabbit and a dragon baby may not be lucky enough to become successfully without facing more competitors than the others. It is the same with horoscopes and blood types.
You can also tell whether you are lucky and unlucky for a certain year based on your zodiac. Not all zodiacs are having the same year with the same luck. If you are, unfortunately facing a bad year, you are suggested to go to a local temple, pray to Buddha for protection, also avoid big events like getting married, move to a new house, change company etc. Last but not least, for those who are interested and wonder which animal you belong to, please look for it from this table!

New words List
Generation …世代
Polite …丁寧な

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