Wonder the World Vol.9: “Gardening: Britain’s Favourite Hobby”(イギリスガーデニングの魅力)
エレナ (イギリス出身)
2009年にKUMONのイマージョン キャンプリーダーを務める。現在は家族で兵庫県在住。翻訳の仕事をしていて、今年は日本に来て20周年!
Eleanor (United Kingdom)
Hello! My name is Eleanor. I am originally from the United Kingdom (UK). I was lucky to be a Camp Leader at the Hokkaido English Immersion Camp in 2009. I work as a translator, and live in Hyogo Prefecture with my family. This year is my twentieth anniversary of coming to Japan!

How Gardening became Popular in the UK
My home country, the United Kingdom, is known around the world for its gardens of green grass and colourful flowers. Gardening is one of the favourite activities of the British people. There are several reasons why gardening has become so popular in the country.
Firstly, the UK’s climate is well-suited to gardening. The winters in the UK are actually quite mild, with very little snow and temperatures that rarely go below 0ºC. In contrast to west Japan, where I live now, the summer in the UK is not humid, and the temperature is usually comfortable, around 20ºC. The UK receives a lot of gentle rain, which keeps grass lawns green and healthy. Furthermore, the UK has few aggressive insects or wild creatures that attack gardens.

Another reason is that gardening is closely connected to British history. During the era of exploration by ship, around the same time as Japan’s Edo period, British explorers and traders brought many varieties of seeds back from countries in Asia, Africa, and all over the world. This is why a wide range of flowers and trees, not only native European species, are seen in the UK today. British gardeners grew these foreign seeds, sometimes breeding them together to create new varieties.
Later, in the 18th and 19th centuries, castles and rich families’ houses had huge gardens with green lawns, arranged flowerbeds, mazes grown from bushes, shaped ponds, and so on. During this period, “landscape gardening” became an art and a profession. Many of these castles and houses still exist now, and some can be visited as museums and public gardens.

Today, gardening is a hugely popular hobby for all kinds of people in Britain. In fact, 87% of British homes have a garden, with average (median) size of 188m2. Gardening goods and equipment is also a huge and valuable market in the country. British people spend around 18 billion pounds (18,000,000,000; the equivalent of more than 3,000,000,000,000 yen) per year on their gardens.*
Traditional British gardens have a lawn of green grass. Most people own an electric lawn mower, which they use to cut the grass regularly. Other popular plants in British gardens include roses, tulips, daffodils, and herbs such as lavender. It is also common for people to grow vegetables, berries, and have fruit trees such as apples, pears or plums.
I love gardening, too. I have a small garden in my home in Kansai. I grow roses, hydrangeas, rosemary and some other herbs. I tried planting grass seeds, but it is difficult to keep the grass healthy during the hot Japanese summers. (I cut my grass lawn with scissors!) But since it is so warm here, many plants can grow that do not survive in the UK. I have a lemon tree and a fig tree growing in pots outdoors, which I could not imagine back in Britain. Gardening is fun in different climates!

*Reference: The source for these statistics was
which used the below government website as an original source.
英国人の大好きな趣味はガーデニング。イギリスでガーデニングが普及した理由は2つあります。まず、イギリスの気候がガーデニングに適していること。イギリスの冬は穏やかで、雪はほとんど降らなく、気温が0℃を下回ることはめったにありません。夏は湿気が少なく、気温も20℃前後と過ごしやすく、穏やかな雨もたくさん降るおかげで草花は青々と健やかに保たれます。庭を荒らす害虫や野生生物もほとんどいません。もう一つの理由は、ガーデニングのルーツがイギリスの歴史にあるということです。日本の江戸時代とほぼ同時期の大航海時代、イギリスの探検家や貿易商は世界中の国々から多くの品種の種子を持ち帰り 英国の庭師はこれらの外国の種子を栽培、交配して新しい品種を作りました。その後、18 世紀から 19 世紀にかけて、城や裕福な家庭では、芝生、花壇や整えられた迷路や池などがある広大な庭園を造りました。この時代に、「造園」は芸術となり、造園業も確立されたのです。これらの城や家は現存し、今でも博物館や公共庭園として訪れることができる所もあります。
今日もガーデニングは多くのイギリス人に愛されています。英国の住宅の 87% には庭があり、一家庭の庭の平均的広さは 188 平方メートル(畳18畳くらい)です。ガーデニング用品や設備も、イギリスでは巨大で貴重な市場で、英国人は年間約180億ポンド(3兆円以上に相当)を庭園に費やしています。伝統的なイギリスの庭園には芝生が植えられ、多くの家庭では電動芝刈り機を所有して、定期的に芝を刈っています。イギリスで人気のある植物は、バラ、チューリップ、水仙、ラベンダーなどのようなハーブ類。 野菜やイチゴ類を栽培したり、リンゴ、ナシ、プラムなどの果樹を育てたりするのも一般的です。 私もガーデニングが大好き! 今は関西の自宅に小さな庭があり、バラ、アジサイ、ローズマリーなどのハーブを育てています。 芝生も植えようとしましたが、日本の暑い夏に草を健康に保つのは難しかったです。しかし、ここはとても暖かいので、英国では生き残れない多くの植物が育つ可能性があります。 私はレモンの木とイチジクの木を屋外の鉢で育てていますが、イギリスでは想像もできなかったです。いろんな土地、気候でのガーデニングは楽しい!
New words List
Anniversary –記念日
Well-suited – とても適している
Mild – ここでは温暖な
Rarely – めったに~しない
Contrast – 対照的
Humid – 湿気のある
Gentle – やさしい
Grass lawns – 芝生
Wild creatures – 野生の生き物
Era of exploration – 探検時代
Edo period – 江戸時代
Wide range – 幅広い
Species – 種類
Breeding – 品種を改良する
Centuries – 何世紀も
Flowerbeds – 花壇
Bushes – 茂み
Landscape gardening –絵のような庭
Profession – 専門職
Equipment – 設備
Electric lawn mower – 電動芝刈り機
Daffodils – 水仙
Hydrangeas – アジサイ

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