Wonder the World Vol.10: “Memories of rich and flavorful foods from Bangladesh”(バングラデシュの豊かな味わい深い食べ物の思い出)
アビッド (バングラデシュ出身)
2022 年から公文グローバル ネットワーク チーム主催の英語イマージョン活動でグループ リーダーを務めている。大分県別府市の立命館アジア太平洋大学(APU)3回生。子どもたちと交流することが大好きで、子どもたちに英語を教える時間を楽しんでいます。辛いものを食べるのも作るのも大好き!バングラデシュの街中は、昔ながらの食べ物、文化が混ざり合って活気に満ちあふれています。ビリヤニ、パンタバートなどのお米料理、おいしいデザートの一つパティシャプタピタ、日本でも非常に人気のあるシーフード料理!魚と米は料理に欠かせません。バングラデシュは近隣諸国の影響を受けて独自の食文化を作ってきました。皆さんもバングラデシュの雑踏を感じてみてくださいね!
Abid (Bangladesh)
Hello, I am Abid. I have been a Group Leader for Kumon Global Network Team English Immersion Activity since 2022 and I am from Bangladesh. I am a 3rd year undergraduate student studying at Ritsumeikan APU in Beppu, Oita. I love interacting with children and enjoy my time teaching them English. I love eating and making spicy foods! I will be sharing about food from Bangladesh.

My memories
In the crowded streets of Bangladesh, the vibrant culture mixes with the rich history of food. Bangladeshi street foods are filled with flavors and aromas that tell stories of tradition and innovation, and a bond that brings families and friends together.
Popular fried street foods Popular fried street foods
I remember a road that was close to my house back in Bangladesh. There, amid the lively chaos of vendors and shoppers, the aroma of street food filled the air. The sizzle of a hot pan, the rhythmic sound of utensils, and the laughter of people created a wonderful experience for me. Among the many delicious foods in the street, the aroma of biriyani is irresistible. It is made with a special type of rice mixed with a lot of spices and pieces of meat. I miss biriyani so much here in Japan and the first thing that I will eat when I go back in my country is biriyani!

Traditional Food
One of the traditional foods that I think about is panta bhaat. It is a rice-based dish prepared by soaking rice, generally leftover, in water overnight. Traditionally served in the morning with salt, onion, chili and mashed potatoes. This dish also captures the simplicity of the rural life of Bangladesh. You can try and make this dish as it is quite simple. Just soak some leftover rice that you have and serve it in the morning!

Desserts are also an important part of Bangladeshi cuisine and food. In the heart of family kitchens, mother and daughter come together to make winter desserts. One famous winter traditional dessert of Bangladesh is patishapta pitha which are delicate crepes stuffed with coconut and jaggery. It is one of my most favorite traditional dessert to have in the winter season. If you want to try this, you can at first make a crepe and use a mixture of crushed coconut and jaggery as a filling.

Love for Seafood
One thing that I miss less is seafood as it is also very popular In Japan. When I used to go to the Cox’s Bazar for vacation, I used to eat a lot of seafood as that place is famous for delicious seafood dishes. The local markets are filled with the yummy smell of cooking and frying shrimp, crab, octopus, squid and various other fishes. I think the one common thing between the foods of Japan and Bangladesh is the love for seafoods. I am sure that you are also a fan of seafood! If you ever visit Cox’s Bazar, make sure to try the street foods from the local street vendors.
Seafood in Cox’s Bazar Seafood in Cox’s Bazar
Bangladeshi foods, be it a very common street food, a traditional one or a delicacy; all hold a special place in the culture and in people’s lives in general. Did you know that Bangladesh is also the fourth largest producer of rice? Fish and rice are very important to the cuisine of my country. There is a famous saying that goes “Machh e bhat e Bangali,” which translates to “Fish and rice make a Bengali.” My country is really small in area yet densely populated with a cuisine which is a fusion of flavors and influences from its neighboring countries, with a unique touch of its own.

<ビリヤニ >
バングラデシュにいたとき、家の近くの路地では露店商や買い物客の活気であふれ、屋台の食べ物の香りがいっぱい漂っていました。ぐつぐつという鍋の音、調理器具のふれあう音、そして人々の笑い声が私にとって素晴らしい思い出! おいしい食べ物がたくさんある街の中で、ビリヤニの香りは格別です。特製のお米にたっぷりのスパイスと肉を混ぜて作るのです。ビリヤニがとても恋しいので、国に帰ったら最初に食べるのはビリヤニです!
伝統的な食べ物の一つで 残ったご飯を一晩水に浸し、塩、タマネギ、唐辛子、マッシュポテトを添えて朝ごはんとして食べます。バングラデシュの田舎の素朴なとっても簡単な料理なのでぜひ作ってみてください。一晩浸して朝食べるだけ!
デザートもバングラデシュ料理では重要な部分です。 台所では、母と娘が一緒に冬のデザートを作ります。バングラデシュの有名な冬の伝統的なデザートの 1 つは、ココナッツとココナッツヤシから採る粗黒砂糖を詰めた繊細なクレープであるパティシャプタ ピタ!冬の季節に食べる私の最も好きな伝統的なデザートの1つです。
日本でも非常に人気のあるシーフード! 以前休暇でコックスバザールに行ったとき、そこは美味しいシーフード料理で有名だったので、よくシーフードを食べていました 地元の市場は、エビ、カニ、タコ、イカ、その他さまざまな魚を焼いたり揚げたりするおいしい匂いであふれていました。 日本とバングラデシュの食の共通点は、シーフードが大好き!ということだと思います。あなたも魚介類のファンでしょう!
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