Wonder the World Vol.15: “Discover Hidden Gems through Hiking”(ハイキング~の魅力)
オドノ (モンゴル出身)

Hi there, my name is Odno, and I come from Mongolia. I have been a Group Leader for the Kumon Global Network Team English Immersion Activity since last summer. I recently returned from the UK and am very excited to be in my fourth year at Ritsumeikan APU in Beppu, Oita Prefecture. I am passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge with others. My hobby is hiking with my family and friends, and I enjoy doing it at my own pace. Today, I would like to talk about my hiking hobby.
How it all started
Since middle school, I have been searching for a hobby that I could call my own. My friends had already found their passions, such as ballet and basketball, and I felt left out. Whenever someone asked me about my hobby, I didn’t have a clear answer until I realised that hobbies are simply activities that bring joy and energy. It was then that I realised that I already had something that fit that description in my life: walking in nature and feeling connected to the earth. It’s incredible how such a simple activity can bring me so much happiness and energy.
There are so many reasons to love hiking! I will share why I love hiking and why I would recommend hiking everyone.
Benefits of Hiking
Hiking not only allows us to explore the beauty of nature but also challenges us both physically and mentally. It provides a great opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse ourselves in the serene surroundings of nature.
Discover Hidden Gems
One of the reasons why I love hiking is because it allows me to discover hidden gems that would otherwise be unknown to me. I enjoy exploring various hiking trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints and serene lakes, and I appreciate the beauty and grandeur of our world. During my hiking journey, I discovered so many beautiful places. In Mongolia and the UK, hiking trails are quite similar because of the similar weather conditions. However, while people in Mongolia enjoy hiking even during winter to witness the mesmerising winter scenery, the same may not be true in the UK as the trails become slippery due to rain, making it difficult for hikers. Although I haven’t gone hiking yet in Japan, it is part of my plan for next year. Among all the hiking trails I have visited, the most beautiful one has been in Wales, UK: the Aber Falls. It was a bit challenging to get there during the heatwave season in the UK, but the view from there was worth it. The waterfall was majestic, and the sound of the water falling was soothing to the soul. It was truly an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever.
Also, hiking provides mental benefits. It allows me to clear my mind, relieve stress, and freshen up for my studies. Being in nature helps me disconnect from the noise and distractions of everyday life and clear my mind. The calming sound of birds chirping, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle breeze rejuvenate my mind and soul. It is a form of therapy that brings me peace and tranquillity, offering me a much-needed break from the fast-paced urban lifestyle.
Spending Quality Time with Family & Friends
What I love the most about hiking is that it allows me to spend quality time with friends and family who share the same passion. Back in high school, I used to go hiking with my classmates on weekends, which created many special memories and strengthened our bond. We bonded over the challenges during hikes, exchanged stories, shared our lunch boxes, and created lasting memories. Also, my younger brother is my best hiking partner, and hiking time is the best quality time I can fully connect with my brother and nature.

After everything I have experienced, I can confidently say that hiking has become an activity I truly cherish. Not only has it given me countless benefits and joyful experiences, but it has also allowed me to connect with nature, discover hidden treasures, and push myself both physically and mentally. Hiking has been therapeutic, providing me tranquillity and a chance to escape the stresses of daily life. Additionally, it has allowed me to create lasting memories and strengthen my relationships with friends and family who share my passion. I am incredibly grateful for the joy and energy that hiking has brought into my life. Hiking not only provides physical benefits but also fosters mental resilience, educational enrichment, and the development of crucial life skills. Therefore, I recommend everyone to go hiking at least once a year. Last but not least, keep in mind that when you go hiking, it is important to wear appropriate gear such as hiking boots with ankle support, weather-appropriate clothing for layering in changing conditions, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen, and wear hats and sunglasses for sun protection.
ハイキングでは自然の美しさを探索できるだけでなく、肉体面、精神面での自己発見につながります。都会の喧騒から離れ、静かな自然に浸る絶好の機会の中で…。私がハイキングを好きな理由の 1 つは、歩いてみなければわからない隠れた名所を発見できるからです。私は息を呑むような景色や静かな湖につながるさまざまなハイキング コースを探索するのが好きで、行くたびに世界の美しさと壮大さを体感しています。ハイキング旅行中には、たくさんの美しい場所を発見しました。私が訪れたすべてのハイキングコースの中で最も美しいのは、イギリス、ウェールズ地方のアベルの滝です。イギリスの熱い季節に行ったので少し大変でしたが、その眺めは素晴らしかったです。滝は雄大で、水の落ちる音は心を癒してくれました。本当に忘れられない経験で、一生大切にしたいと思います。
New words List
Own pace…自分のペースで
Hustle and Bussle…押し合いへし合いImmerse…浸す
Serene surroundings…静かな環境
Hidden gems…秘宝
Birds chirping…鳥のさえずり
Rustling of leaves…カサカサと歯の音
Quality time…良質な時間

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