Wonder the World Vol.21: “Capture the moment! Into the world of photos”(その瞬間を捉えよう!写真の世界へ)
みなさん、こんにちは!私はアンドリューです。ここ日本で起業家精神を専攻する大学 2 年生です。私は南米のとてもカラフルな国、コロンビアの出身です。今日は、私の最大の趣味である写真撮影と、素晴らしい写真を撮るためのヒントについてご紹介したいと思います。
Andrew (Colombia)
Hello everyone! I am Andrew, a second-year student in Entrepreneurship here in Japan. I am originally from Colombia, a very colorful country located in South America. Today, I would love to show you about my biggest hobby, Photography, and some tips on how to take amazing photos!

My journey through photography:
It all began around 10 years ago, when I was still a little kid. My father, a very passionate and dedicated man, wanted to help my mother with her dreams of becoming a model recognized all around the world. For her sake, he bought a camera capable of taking very sharp and detailed photos. It was then that my curiosity suddenly sparked, and I began to take photos of everything and everyone around me. At first, I would just go around my house looking for funny objects or even my pet dogs; but as time passed, I decided to adventure to other places such as the park, where many people would gather and where a beautiful garden always had different flowers blooming all the time.
Eventually years came by, and I realized how important photography became for me. I had the opportunity to travel all around North America and Europe, and even then, I would always carry the camera with me, taking pictures of the most amazing things I encountered on the way. Most of my pictures were of the scenery, since I felt they could become the perfect way to remember those places. Every now and then I still look at the photos and amaze myself to see how far I have come.
My new camera and photos in Japan:
I came to Japan in 2023, and unfortunately, I had to leave the camera back in my country since there was not much space in my luggage. It was a huge hit on me, since I was going to the other side of the world, and of course I would love to take photos. I decided to search for a very cheap camera, and I knew that I didn’t need to buy anything expensive to create great memories. Shortly after, I found a very cheap, 10 year old camera that was on sale, and decided to take my chance! It came really quickly, and again, I continued my adventures here in Japan.
That is not everything! Taking pictures helped me relax and look at the world in another perspective, and for this same reason I would love to show you some tips on how to take great photos.
- First, remember that in photography there are no rules about what is correct or not, you just need to let your imagination run wild!
- There is no such thing as making mistakes! A photo is great if you think it is, so choose your favorite things and try to take some pictures of them, the rest depends on which shape you would like to give your idea.
- You don’t need a camera as it is, you can even use your phone or any other device that is capable of taking photos.
With this, I hope you get inspired to go outside and look at every detail around you, even on the floor! Sometimes we forget that in our daily lives there are many amazing things, we just need to stop and think – What is there that I can see that no one else can?

My journey through photography (写真を通しての私の旅)
My new camera and photos in Japan (私の新しいカメラと日本での写真)
2023年に日本に来たのですが、荷物のスペースがあまりなかったため、残念ながらカメラを母国に置いておくことになりました。地球の反対側に行くので、もちろん写真を撮りたいと思っていました。私は安価なカメラを探すことにしました。素晴らしい思い出を作るために高額なものを買う必要がないこともわかっていました。その後すぐに、10 年前のカメラが非常に安価なセールになっているのを見つけたので、チャンスを掴むことにしました。それは本当に早く起こりました、そして私は再びここ日本で冒険を続けました。
- 1.まず、写真撮影には何が正しいか間違っているかについてのルールはなく、想像力を自由に働かせることだけが必要ということを覚えておいてください。。
- 2. 間違いなんてありえない!あなたが素晴らしいと思う写真は素晴らしいものなので、お気に入りのものを選んで写真を撮ってみてください。あとはどんな形にしたいか、あなたのアイデアによって決まります。
- 3. カメラは必要ありません。写真を撮ることができる携帯電話やその他のデバイスも使用できます。
New words List
Capture 捉える
Entrepreneurship 起業家精神
Dedicated 献身的な
Recognized 認められる
Capable of ができる
Blooming 咲き誇る
Eventually 後程
Encountered 出会った
Unfortunately 残念ながら
Perspective 視点
Imagination run wild 想像力を自由に働かせる

Wonder the World Vol.21: “Capture the moment! Into the world of photos”(その瞬間を捉えよう!写真の世界へ)
アンドリュー(コロンビア出身)みなさん、こんにちは!私はアンドリューです。ここ日本で起業家精神を専攻する大学 2 年生です。私は南米のとてもカラフルな国、コロンビアの出身です。今日は、私の...

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