Message from GNT Leader (Enoki san)


On June 16, we held an event called “My Recommended book”.
As this was our first event, there was still room for improvement, but it turned out to be a very exciting event.

During the event, various people introduced their own Recommended books. Although I knew the faces of the participants, I did not know their personalities and characteristics in detail.

Even now, I don’t think I can say that I got it. However, I was very happy to see the way he carefully explained the reason why he recommended the book, and I felt like I knew more about his roots and his way of thinking than ever before.

There was one thing that I thought was wonderful about the participants at the meeting. That is their attitude of showing respect to the presenters and asking specific questions. Even though it was an online event, I could tell that they were listening hard to the presentations of others. The content of the questions was excellent, and they were all good questions that I could understand. It was also wonderful to see how the presenters vividly talked about the answers to the questions.

Incidentally, I found the book “The old man and the sea” introduced by one of the participants interesting, so I immediately bought it and have started reading it. It is easy to read as he introduced it to me as very simple English. However, I had never seen words such as sardine and harpoon in the book before. I have not had many chances to read novels in English, so I discovered that there are still some words I do not know when I read novels. I am very grateful to have been introduced to them.

I believe that good communication is necessary to build a good community. And I am convinced that exchanging information about each other’s favorite things is a very effective way to achieve good communication.

This event will be followed by My Recommended Place to Travel and My Recommended Person. There are still issues to be resolved, such as language barriers, time constraints, and the way the event is conducted, but we would like to make it an event that is easy to participate, where people can meet their friends, and where people can become interested in each other.

Each person’s participation is very important. Please join us next time!

6月16日に「My Recommended book」というイベントを開催しました。


イベント中、様々な方がご自身のRecommended bookを紹介下さいました。私は参加者のお顔は存じ挙げていたものの、詳しい性格や個性は分かっていませんでした。



ちなみに私は、参加者のお一人がご紹介下さった「The old man and the sea」という本が面白そうだったので、早速購入して読み始めています。とても簡単な英語でと紹介いただいた通り、読みやすいです。しかし、本に書かれていたsardine、harpoon といった単語は、これまでに見たことがありませんでした。英語で小説を読む機会がこれまでに少なかったので、小説なんかを読むとまだまだ知らない単語があるという発見がありました。ご紹介いただけて大変感謝しています。


このイベントは今後、My Recommended Place to Travel、My Recommended Person と続いていきます。言葉の問題、時間の問題、進行方法の問題と、解決すべき課題はまだまだありますが、気軽に参加ができる、仲間に会える、人に興味を与える、そんなイベントにしていきたいと思います。


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