
“My Recommended Place to Travel” Event


On September 15, we held an engaging online event featuring 18 participants from eight different countries. The session was filled with lively discussions as attendees shared travel recommendations from across the globe, bringing us together through our mutual love for exploration.

Date: September 15, 2024 (Sun)
Location: Online (Zoom) 
Participants: 18 people from 8 different countries

The recommended places ranged from the serene beaches of Bali and Havelock Island to the cultural depths of Athens and the natural beauty of Mu Cang Chai.

Thank you for your presentation!

Featured Travel Recommendations:

Featured Travel Recommendations:

  • Komodo National Park, Indonesia – A dream destination for adventure lovers, home to the iconic Komodo dragons.
  • Amanohashidate, Japan – A tranquil escape, renowned for its scenic coastal views.
  • Easter Island, Chile – A place steeped in mystery and ancient history.
  • Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan – Known for its crystal-clear waters and laid-back atmosphere.
  • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – A gateway to vast grasslands and nomadic culture.

Participants left enthusiastic comments, with several eager to explore places they hadn’t known about. One attendee was particularly inspired by Vietnam, saying, “I felt like visiting Vietnam, inspired by Taisei,” while others expressed interest in Indonesia, Mongolia, and Okinawa. It was fascinating to see how personal stories and presentations sparked curiosity and wanderlust in the group.

Participants’ Future Goals:

Many participants shared their personal goals, which added an inspiring layer to the session. Here are a few comments we would like to share:

  • New Business Ventures: One participant mentioned, “I’ve started a business in Japan. It’s really tough, but I’m pushing through.”
  • Cultural and Country Reform: One attendee shared, “I’ve started participating actively in country reform work for my country, especially following the political shift.” Another is involved in connecting with NGOs to assist with refugee support efforts.
  • Personal Development: In terms of health and well-being, one participant stated, “I am trying to eat healthy, do exercises, and get acquainted with people these days,” reflecting a commitment to self-improvement alongside their professional and travel aspirations.
  • Travel Goals: Inspired by the event, many participants expressed a desire to visit new places. Some highlighted specific destinations like Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where one said, “I imagine myself riding a horse on the grassland.” Another is working on a ‘commercial private trip’ and hopes to continue growing this initiative. Others were motivated to explore Vietnam or Indonesia after hearing personal experiences shared by other participants.

Recording and The list of “Places to Visit”

  • For those who missed the event, a recording is available [here].
  • The list of “Places to Visit” and materials can be found [here].

Upcoming Event:

Next Steps: Our next and final session for 2024 will take place on November 10, and we’re excited to make it our best one yet. We encourage everyone to join us, share their future goals, and continue building this vibrant, cross-cultural community. Let’s keep the momentum going as we inspire each other to explore, learn, and grow across borders. Stay tuned, and let’s make the next session another memorable one!

Deadline to apply for the last session: Nov. 8 (Fri)
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