EIC 15th Anniversary Event Report

The English Immersion Camp 15th Anniversary Event was held at the Sunshine Shirako Hotel in Chiba Prefecture on March 20th and 21st. There were a total of 190 participants, which included former EIC participants, family members, Camp Leaders, Staff and guests. The event was streamed live on Ustream throughout the world.
The aim of 15th Anniversary Event
To build a network to support and encourage each other to develop further and make dreams come true.
15 years would not have been possible without each and every one’s cooperation. Therefore, we would like to appreciate and be thankful for everyone.
By knowing the 15 year history of EIC (each and everyone), everyone can realize own potential, and think about what you can do or your path in the future.
Thank you very much, everyone!!!
It is only thanks to the support provided by everyone: former EIC participants, parents and guardians, Camp Leaders, staff and guests that EIC has been able to continue for 15 years. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Here are some messages written by event participants in the Appreciation Corner:

In 15 years the EIC network has expanded to 79 countries!!
At the Anniversary Event former EIC participants, Camp Leaders and Staff enjoyed meeting each other again and making new friends. Participants talked ardently about their memories and about their present interests. There were many exchanges of contact information as everyone enjoyed the get-together.
During the Cultural Show Biz part of the event participants joined with Camp Leaders in doing dances from Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Thailand and so on!
During dinner time, we wanted to connect the world, through Skype. EIC family members, who are located in the USA, the UK, and Mexico, joined the celebration. One former EIC participant and Camp Leader both who are now living and studying in the UK was asked over the internet about how to go to the UK for study. It was a good opportunity for students to get some advice and to motivate participants to study overseas.
We have grown up over the last 15 years together with the EIC Family!

Ken, the leader of the first Global Network Team (called the Immersion Camp Office at that time), gave a passionate speech about his 15 years of EIC involvement. He discussed the many challenges that students and Camp Leaders have taken on over the years. Ken also stressed that everyone involved worked closely together to achieve common goals.
Presentations were given by students, Camp Leaders and Staff (nurse). The themes of the presentations were “My Dream & Goal,” “My Awareness,” and “My life with English.” Each presenter spoke out loudly and clearly in English in their own words. In addition, a member of the EIC family performed a sacred Shinto dance that is usually done at a shrine to honor the Gods.
Another participant named Rikku, presented about his experience after his trip to Indonesia on a Kumon overseas study tour. He wanted to do something for the children of Indonesia. Therefore, he asked for donations from participants during his presentation and at lunch time. Many participants responded positively to his appeal. Read Rikku’s message below:
Hello.This is Rikku Oki, who suggested donation at 15th anniversary event.
Thank you for those who donated at the event!
The total amount of donation was 25,000yen ! (2,500,000 Indonesia rupiah)
For this money, five children can buy stationary for start going to elementary school!
This money was already sent to APU Hoshi Zora at March 28th.
I saw the situation in Indonesia by OST tour, so I’m sure that this donation will be a big help.Thank you for your donation!
Three participants, including Camp Leaders and a former EIC student who is now a university student, acted as panelists in a discussion about English and world peace. They all have experience of long-term overseas study and involvement in international youth exchange programs. Students in the audience proactively participated by raising their hands to ask questions and give their opinions in English throughout the discussion.
Looking ahead, we will continue to provide forums where people can meet and interact, forums where new knowledge can be gained, and forums where participants can encourage one another to meet new challenges. In addition to EIC, these forums include the Ambassadors of Peace Network (APN), study tours to learn about current conditions in Japan and around the world (trips to Tohoku, overseas study tours), the Kumon English Camp for Youth (KECY) for junior and senior high school students ※1、and the EIC Café, which is made up primarily of former EIC students. We hope that you will look forward to our reports about activities in the future. The goal of all of our activities is “World Peace through Education!”
※1 Name will be changed to: English Immersion Camp for Youth (EICY)
Committee Members Take on the Challenge!
The committee members for this exciting event was made up of 10 EIC participants and five Camp Leaders. The committee members goal was to ensure that everyone enjoyed the event. They worked closely together and exchanged ideas about how to achieve that goal. Seeing the committee members doing their best, some of the participants said, “I want to be a committee member at the next event!”
Voices of participants
I want to try lots of new things and work towards achieving my dreams without giving up. (elementary school student)
After hearing the presentation on peace, I have decided to try not to fight with my younger brother so much. (elementary school student)
I would like to study overseas too. And, some day, I’d like to become a Camp Leader. (junior high school student)
I was able to express my feelings in English. I talked with other participants about my future dreams and goals. This was an opportunity to think about my future. (junior high school student)
I thought the presentations and panel discussion on the second day were very informative. My thinking was changed by the free discussion during the presentation. I would like to participate in a study tour in the future. (senior high school student)
I was able to establish a relationship with so many people. It was a great experience! (senior high school student)
The event made me think again about the importance of improving my English. I was glad to have had the chance to hear from people older than me about their experiences. (university student)
Every time I meet members of the EIC Family I am encouraged to pursue my dreams! (Camp Leader)
I learned about how EIC has, over the past 15 years, helped students widen their international horizons and pursue their dreams. Students at EIC have learned many important things that cannot be learned inside of a school classroom. This has helped they grow as individuals and play a role in society. This was an excellent event. I was moved listening to students talk about their future dreams. (Parent)
It was pretty amazing to see everyone from far away. I was touched to cry. (Camp Leader who participated via Ustream in Australia)
Message from the EIC Family
We have prepared a variety of video messages from the EIC family. Please take a look!
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Let’s try communicating in English!