Message from GNT Leader (Enoki san)


Hello KEIA family! My name is Enoki, the leader of this team.
In August 2024, Japan was very hot. How was the area where you live? Not only was it hot in Japan, but the heat caused typhoons to hit the country, bringing disasters to many parts of Japan. We pray that your area is safe.

We recently conducted a collective GIC camp as a team, our first since August 2019! Thank you so much to everyone who attended and helped out.

This was my first time attending the camp myself, and I feel it was a worthwhile experience. It was especially wonderful to see the growth of each participant.

On the first day of the camp, the children and camp leaders were nervous to communicate with each other, but on the last day, it was very touching to see some of them shedding tears as they said goodbye to each other.

It was a great experience for me to see the beautiful sight of people trying their best to try new things and grow. I also felt proud that we have been able to continue these camps as a team for more than 20 years.

Our team held a “Restart After Corona” Event  in March 2024, and we would like to continue our camp activities with a fresh spirit.

We have also decided to hold GNI in Osaka in March 2025. We hope that as many KEIA families as possible, as well as those who participated in this camp, will come together. Thank you for your continued support.






2024年3月にRestart After Coronaの会を行った私たちのチームですが、今後も新鮮な気持ちを持ちながらキャンプ活動を続けていきたいと思います。


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  1. Ken より:

    Congratulations on the success of GNT2004.
    Please inform us the date and the place of GNI ASAP.

    1. Enoki より:

      Hi.Ken san . Thank you for your comment.
      Now we are planning to have a GNI event on March 22nd .

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