What are you doing now? Vol.027 – Hina Iwasaki (EIC 2002)


Dear EIC members, 

Greetings from Global Network Team (GNT) in Shin Osaka.
January 2021 is almost over!! How time flies so fast!
Hope everyone is full of positivity and healthy and continue to do so for the rest of the year 2021!

Before we leave January behind, GNT would like to share with everyone our first blog from EIC members for 2021! 
This time we have one from our EIC participant and another from Camp Leader!
Let’s check it out what both of them are doing now in this month’s blog volume no. 27!
We will also post it in our Kumon-EIC facebbook group. If you are not a member yet and want to join as member, contact GNT.

Enjoy reading till the end.

Name: Hina Iwasaki
Hometown: Chiba Prefecture
Now: Working for a financial institute 
Participated: EIC 2002         
EIC Group Camp Leaders: Myles, Tukka, Watsala, Anna, Tingli

Hello EIC family☺
My name is Hina. I joined EIC in 2002 when I was a kid.

No more a kid. Now working and married.

What are you doing now?

Currently, I am working in a financial industry as a Japan equity analyst, focusing on ESG investment. ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. As a ESG fund, we invest in companies, which are trying to solve environmental and social problems with strong governance.

Why did you choose the thing you are doing now?

Ever since I read an article about Grameen bank when I was in junior high school, I came to think that financial power is needed to solve such social issues. I myself wanted to influnce society through finance, so I joined the current company in May 2020. Before joining the ESG fund, I worked as a financial advisor at the Eurpean investment bank, gaining international knowledge.

How has EIC influenced your life?

Considering myself, who was so shy when I was in elementary school, I think its because of EIC that I am living an active life like this. Actually, when I participated in EIC, I could hardly speak English. So I could not communicate well with Camp Leaders nor group members. But thanks to everyone kindness to me, I was able to get along with everyone in the group at last. So, I learned that I can convey what I want to say, even if I don’t speak English perfectly.

Thanks to this experienced, I felt comfortable going abroad alone and I was able to jump into internships at companies in India and Mexico when I was in university. In addition, I got an interest in international social issues because I made friends from various countries at EIC! The experienced made me feel closer to foreign countries.

I was also inspired by Camp Leaders, who were taking actions towards their goals in several ways.

What is your next challenge?

Through ESG investment and other sustainable activities, I would like to improve the environment and create a society where everyone can work comfortably.

Message to EIC Family

I want everyone in the EIC Family to challenge what you want to do! EIC family is always with you. Even if you met only limited members, I believe all members in EIC network can help you in some ways. Of course, please contact me anytime if you need any help. I hope I can see you all face to face soon. Thank you for reading my blog.

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