English Picture Book Project
What is English Picture Book Project

English Immersion Camp (EIC) family members collect old unused picture books in English which are then donated to less fortunate children around the world. The English Picture Book Project gives opportunities to all EIC family members to share and use their English skills in a way which can benefit everyone even after EIC is over. Through writing messages in English, they can use English as a common tool of communication.
First Picture Book Project: Indonesia (2010)
In total 136 books were collected for the first English Picture Book Project from our EIC family members. These books were donated to three different organizations in Indonesia during the EIC study tour to Indonesia. We donated books to SAJA (School for Street Children), Rumah Singgah Al-Bahra (study place in a garbage collector’s village) in Jakarta, and Hoshizora (a non-governmental organization for unfortunate children) in Jogjakarta.Below is one of the messages from one of the EIC family members to the recipients of the books in Indonesia:
“Hello! My name is Makoto, I’m a 12 year-old Japanese boy. I’m studying English for communicating with many people in the world. I read this book with fun. I hope you enjoy this book!”
Second Picture Book Project: Thailand (2011)
In 2011 Thailand was hit by one of the worst floods in 50 years. The floods claimed many lives and left more than 300,000 people homeless. Many English Immersion Camp members were concerned and began to share their thoughts about what they could do in to help and support the flood victims in Thailand. The Global Network Team proposed another English Picture Book Project. The books collected were donated to two primary schools as part of disaster relief.
By the end of December 2011, all of the collected Picture Books, together with warm messages from EIC family members, were handed over to two primary schools: Ban Sawang Arom School and Ban Kon Kaen School which were heavily affected by the floods. Even though the schools were damaged, the teachers and students remained in high spirits. They were grateful and overwhelmed by the support given by the EIC family and said “thank you!” to all of the EIC family.