5th Tohoku Trip Report
32 members (past English Immersion Camp participants and Camp leaders from Indonesia and Nepal) visited Tohoku from 28th March to 1st April 2016 to see and learn the reality.

We would like to share with you What we did・What we think and feel・Point we need to remember, share or tell about Tohoku day by day.
Please have a look our summery of this Trip. *There are original reports without English correction which children and camp leaders wrote in English.
5th Tohoku Trip report (1.5M)
We listened the story about Nepal earthquake from Camp Leader from Nepal.
Tohoku hit by Tsunami, in Nepal many landslide was happened. It is difficult to help desaster area, because many road also desroyed. The situation in Nepal is different from Tohoku but we need to support each other and all over the world.

We made badge with 2 warmhearted designe!
After I joined 4th Tohoku Trip, I realized Tohoku has a lot of charm even though Tohoku is desaster area. I wanted to express some of charm. *Special products: fish and rice plants. *Beautiful sea. *Symbolic of the great east Japan earthquake: Ippon Matsu, Sanriku railway and Yuriage Junior high school.《Daigo》
Wishing for the recovery, I drew colourful letters on top of clouds.《Shiho》

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