What are you doing now? Vol.028 – Patricia Netzler- Laga’aia (EIC 2003-2006)
Dear EIC members,
Greetings from Global Network Team (GNT) in Shin Osaka.
Hope everyone is full of positivity and healthy while continue to fight together in overcoming yet another tough year of 2021!
When February comes there will be a Lunar New Year celebration! Please stay safe.
How about our EIC members around the world? What do you have in February?
We are sharing with everyone our first blog from EIC members for 2021, vol.26!
A Camp Leader from EIC 2003-2006 and from Samoa!
Do you know who? Let’s find out!
We will also post it in our Kumon-EIC facebbook group. If you are not a member yet and want to join as member, contact GNT.
Enjoy reading till the end.
Name: Patricia Netzler- Laga’aia
EIC nick name: Pat
Hometown: Samoa
Now: Working for a financial institute
Participated: EIC 2003-2006
Hello EIC family members☺
My name is Patricia and am from Samoa. I joined EIC in 2003 to 2006 when I was a university student in APU.
Nice meeting everyone. Guess which one is me in the photo?
Our EIC kids and Camp Leaders EIC 2005 members
What are you doing now?
I am now working as a Program Manager for the Australian Volunteers International, I with another colleague manage the Government of Australia’s Volunteer Program. We bring people with important skills to help our local people, government when there are no such skills available on our island.

Why did you choose the thing you are doing now?
My passion has always been to make a difference in the community, but at the same time working with the international arena, because I majored in International matters this job allows me to be flexible and be able to put my head and finger into many different sectors and areas such as education, health, tourism, law, policies etc. This is why I chose this type of work because it makes me feel content that I work with different people, different ministries and NGOs and impact on the local and international arena.
How has EIC influenced your life?
EIC has played a great part in my life, while I was at APU and a camp leader till now that I am a mother of three and a half babies. EIC has allowed me to be open with changes, to be able to make mistakes without being afraid of being wrong. Given me confidence and a sense of being part of something greater.
What is your next goal?
I have a baby arriving in March of this year so my next goal is to make sure that I am ready and strong to be able to nurture a new life into this very harsh and difficult world where COVID-19 is spreading like wildflowers.
Message to EIC Members
You have always and will always play a major part in my life. I teach and share with my children every year the experiences, friends and family I had made during my time with EIC. I would like you to know that if you are interested in catching up or reaching out please feel free to do so. This is my email pnlagaaia@avi.org.au . Be open to learn, Be open to grown, Be open to changes, Be open to meeting new and different personalities the world is your oyster and the people that come into your life are all part of your future, present and past. I miss and love EIC and my EIC family!!
Thank you for your valuable time reading my blog.