What are you doing now? Vol.047 – Seina (EIC2002, Yokohama)
Dear EIC-GIC members,
Greetings from Global Network Team (GNT) in Shin Osaka.
Hope this blog finds all of you are in good health and spirit.
As we reflect back and say goodbye to the first half of 2023, let’s do our best for the next half!
Please enjoy reading the blog ‘What are you doing now?‘, volume 47 until the end.
We look forward to your comments or words of encouragement either in English or Japanese is OK 🙂
Or even press ‘Like’ (ii ne) we are more than happy.
Your encouraging words can mean a lot to the person who wrote this blog.
Name: Seina Fujiwara
Participated: EIC 2002 Yokohama
Now: Working for a media company

Hello everyone!
I’m Seina from EIC 2002. Currently I am working in the media (newspaper company) in Tokyo, Japan. Currently, I am working for planning events and projects under the theme of SDGs, women empowerment, wellbeing and so on. For instance, I recently hold a symposium in New York for highlighting International Women’s Day.
What do you remember about EIC
I remember EIC as the very first experience I felt the connection with everyone in the world and being able to acknowledge myself as a part of global citizens. My camp leader Marian has inspired me to open eyes for the reality of the world. She told me how different the situation of education is in the Philippine compared to Japan. Last day of the camp was also memorable because we were very emotional and did not want to go home.
Me with my 2002 Camp Leader Marian
What is your next challenge or goal?
My challenge is to continue being the “messenger” to bring new ideas and innovations to change the mindset and actions of people towards better world. My goal is to keep focusing on people by sharing stories and be the connector within the community. I believe in the power of diversity and power of the community because we can all “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (quote from Mahatma Ghandi) together!
Message to EIC Family
EIC is such an indispensable, precious peaceful home for all of us wherever we are in the world in every step of our life. If we ask the meaning of the “peace”, we all might have different answers and that is what make this world special especially when there is the place where we can share and respect. Everyone is the ambassador of peace here and you are never alone. So, Let’s make a hive! 1+1+1=∞
Thank you!
*From this year 2022, the camp name EIC will have its new name to GIC (Global Immersion Camp).
We are looking forward to your comments and words of encouragement 🙂
If you are interested in sharing your latest update just like Seina did, ‘Don’t be afraid…Let’s communicate with GNT and we’ll support you with the blog!
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I agree with Maza : Subarashii!
Seina and Marian relationship continues since 2002 till TODAY!!!