4th Global Network Initiatives (GNI) Report

The 4th Global Network Initiatives (GNI) was another delightful event held on Saturday 21st February 2023. Participants were able to gather online and share their current updates. There were 24 people from nine different countries. These included past participants, Camp Leaders, Camp Staff – everybody was excited to see their old friends and Camp Leaders and, at the same time, to make new friends at GNI. This annual event aims to strengthen the KEIA family spirit. Participants motivate and encourage each other to achieve their dreams and work hard on their challenges.
Today’s presentations show that Kumon kids grow up as passionate and open-minded as Kumon leaders themselves. This shows how much impact is being done and how much positive vibes are being communicated around. Seeing all this happening and told by Kumon family members shows the depth and usefulness of the programs. It is not just a series of isolated episodes but it is rather the kind of education that lasts and makes difference. I am more motivated to keep participating here.
Comment from one participant
It was really inspiring to hear Marian’s speech to reassure individual can be the change and be the light, also knowing Daigo’s path to root back from OST experience that keeps him moving. I see that’s the value of GNI! Thank you for inspiring time and made us rethink.
Comment from one participant
1. Presentations and sharing
Mr. Torii Kensuke (former GNT Leader and the founder of EIC) shared information about the core value of what it means to be a community and how everyone plays a big role in their own contributions and network.
In EIC, participants also learned about problems in the world and tried to take action. We believe that through small actions it can make a big difference to the world. From this activity participants were not only able to learn something new but were also able to reconfirm existing world problems. EIC was a chance to cooperate and support each other. So, what is the value of this activity?
Please try to think after listening or joining today.Mr. Torii Kensuke
The important point is that we can speak freely because we feel safety and security. Everyone feels comfortable and can give their opinions freely because everyone is a family and all of the people are supporting each other without judgement.
2. Presentation from EIC Alumni
Three past EIC participants spoke confidently giving their impressive presentations in English. That inspired and encouraged the audience to try their best for their dreams and challenges under the topics “My Dream” and “My Challenge.” After the presentation we has a short discussion about their presentations. Every participant was motivated and encouraged by the support given from the group members for them to continue to strive to fulfill their own dreams and to meet challenges that they have set for themselves.
I am really impressed about Daigo, Eka & Yume. Did they shared about the same dreams back then in MY DREAM poster in the camp or not? Nice that they got their minds clear & determined to strive for their goals.
Comment from one participant
I met Yume & Eka before in the Camp & the Tohoku Trip. I am so surprised to hear them say they were shy and negative before the camp. They are totally different image and very active in My impression!
Comment from one participant
3. Presentation from Leaders
We also heard from an EIC former Camp leader and staff, as well as an EIH Group leader, who shared their experiences about what KEIA meant to them and how it has impacted their lives, including talking about how they are now contributing to society. The KEIA experience is a memory that they will treasure forever.
It was really inspired and motivated. Others’ challenging or dream encouraged me. In addition, I reconfirmed the connection with GIC family. This is really important for me. As many people said GIC family is home, also for me, it gives me emotional support. I will join GNI’s program actively, and go for my dream to encourage other member of family as I was encouraged today.
Comment from one participant
I could feel Syarah’s passion for KEIA activities. Through her encounter with KEIA I could feel the value that it provides. Not only as a leader facilitating the program, but also a learning opportunity for leaders to develop themselves and apply those skills in their activities or daily life.
Comment from one participant
Looking Ahead
This year’s GNI focused on the motivation to strive to reach ones dreams. Participants were overwhelmed and inspired by all the presenters with their outstanding presentations. This was another meaningful and important event where we could witness the growth and development of past KEIA participants no matter which year they graduated. Witnessing each individual’s growth and progress was the best reward for all the efforts contributed by the KEIA Family. We hope that every year participants will feel like they can always come back to this HOME to share updated information and life learning experiences with one another.
We cannot wait to see everyone again next year!!
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