New Member of GNT (Akiko)
Hello EIC family ~~~
I am so pleased to give my first greeting to everyone as a new member of Kumon’s Global Network Team (GNT).
Let me introduce myself.My name is Akiko Daido. I have started working at GNT from Feb.1st in 2020.
Next is Q&A about me:

1. Where do I come from?
I was born and grown up in Tokyo.
After graduating University, working several years in Tokyo, I moved to Kyoto and now I live in Kyoto.
2. What are my hobbies?
I like travelling overseas countries and communicating with local people in English.
I travel overseas countries twice a year.
I visit Canada in July and Australia or New Zealand at the end of December to see the countdown fireworks.
3. What did I do before GNT?
I started my Kumon career in 1990.
I have experiences as the instructor of Company-run center, area manager, branch manager, manager of the Instructor Alumni Association Office and manager of the Work life Support team in the personnel department.
I have completed Kumon English and Japanese program.
I am able to communicate with English speaking people with confidence thanks to Kumon English.
4. Why did I join GNT (and Kumon in general)?
I believe I can inspire and support many people learning English by Kumon method of learning.
Now I am very proud of working at GNT and looking forward to seeing you soon!
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