What are some transportations in Bangkok?

From GNT

Hello EIC Family! 🙂
How was Vol.2 of our trip to Thailand? The food and places that Mook and Paii introduced to us was so interesting, right? If you missed Vol.2, don’t forget to check it our here!

For Vol.3 of September, Da & Lookpud (EIC Camp Leader) will take us around Bangkok and introduced to us many different transportations in Bangkok! 😮
What are some means of transportations you have in Japan?
Are you curious about Bangkok’s transportations?

Check out Da & Lookpud’s video to find out now! 😉

★Transportations in Bangkok! (with Guide: Da & Lookpud) 

Do you know where Bangkok is located in Thailand?

Let’s join Da & Lookpud to see what transportations people use in Bangkok! 😛

How similar and different Bangkok’s transportations is when compared to Japan’s ones?