Traveling around the World online:Thailand

Let’s wonder about Thailand in September!
What do you want to know about Thailand??
Greetings from Camp Leaders「Sawaddee krub /Sawaddee ka = Hello!」
We are glad to introduce the Guides for our trip to Thailand! Please watch their Greeting video!
Do you know how many EIC Camp Leaders from Thailand?
What do you know about Thailand?
Before our trip, let’s search up about Thailand! Here’s the “Thailand Guidebook”! Don’t forget to check it out!

Travel Schedule

Night Market Tour & Bangkok Life
What would a night market be like? How is life in Bangkok? Let’s have a visit!

Chonburi Day-Tour
We will introduce to you lots of fun places and food in Chonburi!

Transportations in Bangkok
We will show you about some transportations in Bangkok! Please look forwards to!
Online Session Report
Date & time :September 20th (Sun) 10:00~11:00
Participants :4 EIC Past Participants 、8 EIC Staff & Camp Leaders
★Online Session Summary★
Welcome, Welcome! On Sunday September 20th, we welcome 4 friends to our Online Session to get to know more about Thailand with the 5 Camp Leaders!
After a short self-introduction from everyone, we did an ice-breaking activity called “Move the body”! Camp Leaders taught us about the Elelpahnt song of Thailand and some dance moves to the song. It was a very fun activity and everyone got to freshen up before the main game. 😀
The main acitivity of this session is called Lucky Wheel! Our friends took turns to turn the lucky wheel and answered quizzes about Thailand! There was a lot of interesting information that we could learn from the game. Also, we re-watched some videos created by Thai Camp Leaders and virtually travelled to Thailand. 😛
Q: Did you know that Bangkok is the city with the longest name in the world?
Q: When is Thailand’s new year?
Q: Do you know any famous Thai food?
In every TAW session, we learned about so many new things and interacted a lot with friends from different EIC years! See you next month!