Traveling around the World online:India

Let’s wonder about India in July!
What do you want to know about India??
Greetings from Camp Leaders「Hello!」
We are glad to introduce the Guide for our trip to India! Please watch their Greetings video!
Do you know how many EIC Camp Leaders from India??
What do you know about India?
Before our trip, let’s search up about India! Here’s the “India Guidebook for 1st timers” ! Don’t forget to check it out!
Travel Schedule
We will be introducing new thing about India every Friday! Let’s travel together and “wonder” about India!

Indian Marriage
What kind of wedding do Indians have? Let’s find out!

Festivals & Dances
Let’s learn about the festivals and pratice some Indian dances!
Online Session Report
Date & time :July 19th (Sun) 13:30~14:30
Participants :5 EIC Past Participants 、8 EIC Staff & Camp Leaders
★Online Session Summary★
Namaste! On Sunday July 19th, we welcome 5 friends to our Online Session to get to know more about India with the 4 Camp Leaders!
We had a short self-introduction where we learn about the Camp Leaders’ hometowns and languages. Our friends were surprised to learn that our Camp Leaders speak different languages! (They can only communicate with each other in English 😯 )
Also, we listened to a Tamil song called “China china aasai” and learned what is a wish in Tamil. 😀
Throughout the session, the Camp Leaders introduced to our friends about Warli painting – a tribal art form in India that decribe about people’s daily life. Our friends also a got drawing mission in which we had to show what activity we did during the lockdown time using Warli style! Everyone was so creative with their drawings! Would you also like to try Warli painting once? Watch out digest video and learn how to draw in Warli style! 😛
You can send in your picture to GNT! We’d love to have a look! 😉
In every TAW session, we learned about so many new things and interacted a lot with friends from different EIC years! We look forward to seeing you next month traveling with us in the world festival! 😉