Traveling around the World online: Mongolia – Vol.1
What sports are popular in Mongolia?
From GNT
Hello EIC Family! 🙂
Welcome to November!
This month, we are travelling to Mongolia together! Are you excited?
For Vol.1 of November, we will be learning about Mongolian popular sports! Camp Leaders Zaya will introduce to us what are some sports that people love in Mongolia! One hint for you is some of the sports are also well-known in Japan!
Can you guess what are these sports?
Check out Zaya’s introduction now to find out! 😉
★Sports in Mongolia! (with Guide: Zaya)
Do you know where Mongolia is located?
Let’s join Zaya to learn about popular sports in Mongolia! 😛 There are some new words in today’s lesson, so prepare a dictionary with you also! Have fun learning about Mongolia! 😉