Please carefully read and understand the camp leader’s roles and responsibilities before applying

  1. Live together with other campers at the designated campsite throughout the camp duration. You will be sharing rooms with other camp leaders (CLs) of the same gender (boys with boys and girls with girls). This also applies for all other participants including the staff.
  2. Assists and supports in the executing and running of the camp programs and activities designed for children participating in the camp. More details during the trainings and pre-camp.
  3. Assumes and takes up responsibility for leadership and guidance to campers (participants, fellow camp leaders and staff)during the day to day activities while paying attention to but not limited to:
  • Tries every possible way to brings out the children’s potential & never gives up and believes in each and every child’s potential.
  • Paying attention to personal hygiene, safety & manners.
  • Personal interaction with respect of other campers.
  • All campers participate in all camp activities.
  • Camper’s personal growth, self-confidence and independence by living in among a group of people.
  • Communicating with campers (using ONLY English and understand that teaching English is not our ultimate goal)
  1. Puts campers’needs first before his/her own needs, helps to provide physical safety and emotional support for all campers if necessary and ensures that there is a conducive environment that promotes positive child development.
  2. Forms positive connections, assist, and support all (children, camp leaders and camp staff) in order to maintain and deliver quality programs and activities during the camp, while paying attention to the GICs aims and goals.
  3. Prepares beforehand, determines and fully understands what is needed for each and every program or activity in terms of materials, equipment, handouts etc. and is assists and helps with the set up for and clean up of all the activities and programs.
  4. Participates in all camp activities which includes games, sing along, skits, cheering etc.
  5. Having a good time in the camp, be creative, flexible, understanding and strive towards for both own and common goals and having respect for all campers.
  6. Maintains a positive attitude and at the same time being a good role model to campers in terms of language, appearance, manners and health habits etc.
  7. Commitment to equity in education and workforce and other duties as required.
  8. Willingness to participate in Kumon English Immersion Activities after camp, events such as Global Network Initiatives (GNI: annually), Study Tour/Trip, English Immersion Hour (EIH), English Immersion Day (EID), English Immersion Seminar (EIS). [Preferred but not a must]
  9. Self management (emotional and physical)
  10. Time management
  11. Responsible

Other Important information