In honor of our Camp Leader – John from Kenya (EIC 2006-2007)
Good afternoon lovely EIC Members!
Today, GNT is sadden to bring you unfortunate news, but would like to share news regarding the passing of one of our EIC family member, John (Kenya, camp leader in 2006 and 2007). He has written in our EIC Blog in 2020 and will be one of EIC’s treasure .
Please have a read.
John was a wonderful person, friend, camp leader, who committed all his time and energy towards contributing to children’s growth and always had a smile on his face and that smile was very addictive. He was a man of much talents with dignity and compassion. His life will continue to live on through his families and friends including us. May his soul rest in peace. May God’s Peace and Love rests with his loved one, and provide much comforts for his family and loved ones. He will always be remembered in our kokoro (heart) forever.

His funeral was held smoothly in Kenya on Tuesday, Jan. 4th 2022.
There was also a LIVE streaming of the ceremony, where you can watch to share your condolences.
As this happened suddenly and John’s family (wife and two young children) are still in Japan (Chiba prefecture), in this tough time, many EIC members have came forward to give their support to John’s family. Thank you EIC Family members!
If you wish to support in any ways or contact his family please contact through camp leader Jasper (EIC 2008)
Here is his contact information:
Phone number: +81-80-3184-7205
Facebook: Mtango Jasper Mbwambo
*Jasper was a close friend of John who is in contact with John’s family.
Global Network Team would like to express our sympathies and deepest condolences to John’s family and those people related to John. May god ease the pain from this loss, give comfort and peace to everyone.
Thank you John for your contribution to EIC 2006-2007 participants (Children, Camp Leaders and Staff).