Bidding Torii san farewell
Dear GNT Family
The GIC 2022(Online) was completed today.
Due to the pandemic, it was conducted online. It was a big challenge for us.
But Group Leaders and Kids had a very active five days.
Today is the last day. It was time to say goodbye.
It was sad. But it is important to see what we have accomplished.
It has been five days of mutual growth with each other.
Now, there is one more goodbye.
Torii-San, who created the foundation of GNT, is leaving Kumon.
We cannot speak enough of his achievements, but here is his message to you.
In addition, here are messages from past GNT leaders.
Matsuhara Yoichi
Torii-San’s Message (Founder of GIC)

Mr. KOKORO 鳥居健介
I am graduating/retiring from KUMON. (But there is no graduation in the EIC Family, right?)
I was in charge of EIC from the very first EIC2001 for 10years. I am Torii (Ken), Liaison Officer, Office of the President.
I spent about 1/4 of my 38 years of Kumon life (and beyond) with EIC. At first, I felt very strange to be in charge of EIC, as I had refused to go to school as a child, had never studied abroad, had no overseas experience, and was not fluent in English. However, in hindsight, what I “lacked” turned out to be my strength to be close to children and to respect diversity.

Dear Torii-san, thank you for your inspirational power over many years!
I am sure your power will grow even more in your new life in Beppu, and you will continue to inspire the people around you to create a better world.