EIC Cafe @ KANSAI Activity – First ‘Zadankai’ (Round-Table Discussion)

EIC Cafe @ KANSAI Activity
Hello, everyone!
I am Honoka representative of EIC Cafe@KANSAI.
Last month, November 18th (Sunday), EIC Café @ Kansai (EIC OBOG) members held our first event of “Zadankai” (Round-table discussion) at Kumon Office in Shin Osaka. This was our 2nd activity for this year 2018 after the last one we collaborated with GNT at 10th APN.
There were six participants from past EIC who came to the event and all of them were new to EIC Café activity. They were funny and spoke good English.

The reason why we did this event is because we wanted to share how EIC Family members are studying English which is the basis of EIC. In the morning, we did some games such as ‘Battle on sheet’, ‘English word chain game’, cards game and ‘Charades’. The most exciting game was “Charades”! It was difficult, but the six members could enjoy it. We also ate lots of snacks!
In the afternoon, we talked about “How to study English?” This was the main activity of this event. It was interesting and we could know some ways to study. For example, reading English book, go to foreign country, to include of foreign students. Also I could hear about their dream. There were different kind of dreams, but one thing everyone mentioned which has a common word is English.
I think that the EIC experienced is utilized to their dream and life. I was so happy when I heard it and felt that I want to support them! I learned the importance of English from this event. English is a tool that is able to connect to the world. And I knew that there are many EIC family members who are trying hard to study English. So I thought I have to study harder than other EIC family!!

Next year, we will power it up!!!
I want to make more exciting and interesting event that EIC family’s network can be even stronger.
So, if you have some good ideas, please contact me!!
Or come and join us in EIC Café @ KANSAI group!

By the way we made an EIC cafe’s Instagram account!
ID is ‘eic.cafe_2013‘
Please introduce yourself on DM (Direct Message)! Please follow us!
Thank you for reading!
I’m waiting for the next event!
Bye for now!!