EIC Café @Kanto-Halloween Party 2019

Hello EIC family!! How’s going? I hope everyone is having wonderful days. This is Kotaro from EIC café @Kanto.
Today, I would like to repot the Halloween Party, which was held on Nov 2nd at the Kumon’s Shinagawa office.

On Nov 2nd, EIC café members and 18 friends from Kanto region had a great time. We played many fun games using English as a tool and could make many new friends. For lunch, We prepared 12 pizzas and had a pizza party! I was impressed that all pizzas were eaten so fast. In the afternoon, we had a discussion time. In this discussion, we talked about how to study English more effectively. I hope that everyone could find their own new ways or keys to study
English harder than before.

We are planning to have many more fun activities in the future. However, to do so, we need more café members~~~. We really would like you to join EIC café @Kanto. We always welcome you all. Please contact us freely using the E-mail. Have a nice days and take care of yourselves. The winter is COMING!! Stay warm! ★If you want to join as a cafe member please contact GNT office. Email: english.camp@kumon.co.jp 

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