What are you doing now
What are you doing now
What are you doing now…..? Vol.013 – Tomoya Okazaki (EIC 2009)
Hello EIC Family!Christmas and New Year is around the corner!Are you preparing something speci...
What are you doing now
What are you doing now…..? Vol.012 – Tomoha Onuma (EIC 2015)
Hello EIC Family!Are you enjoying AUTUMN (FALL) season?Did you see and took pictures of&n...
What are you doing now
What are you doing now…..? Vol.010 – Momoka Hirano (EIC 2015)
Hello EIC Family!Have you read and write comments to the past blogs?Thank you to those who hav...
What are you doing now
What are you doing now…..? Vol.008 – Nanami Saito (EIC 2012)
Hello EIC Family!Rainy Season is over and here come the hottest season in Japan – SUMMER!No mo...
What are you doing now
What are you doing now…..? Vol.006 – Sena Koga (EIC 2012)
Hoya EIC Family!How was your life after the new era of ‘Rei Wa (令和)’ started?Did any of you di...