EIC Cafe (OBOG) Event in KANSAI – English Festival Day

Hello everyone! This is Yui. I joined EIC 2011 and EIC cafe.
It’s already May and gotten hot all of sudden. I feel so hot, so, I’ve prepared my clothes for summer! Also, I have a question. Did you make new friends in your classroom? I think you will be used to new class at your school soon!
In May 10th, EIC café organized an event called English Festival Day (EFD). It was clear and hot! We played some games and sports such as Shiritori, quiz, telephone game, three-legged race, and so on. Some of us made flower crowns and they were so cute!
We played tag during lunch time as well. Even though some of committee members and participants felt tired and took a nap during lunch time, when we were playing three-legged race and other games, we forgot about tiredness and ran well!

Thank you for coming to EFD! We hope you had a good time in EFD! EIC café members enjoyed and communicated in English! We hope to have EFD again next year! Please come to next EFD!
We are looking forward to meeting you!